Magic Hands Horseworks Relief Spray


An all-natural, topical product that combines Bach flower essences and other natural ingredients to ‘release’ areas of the body experiencing inflammation, swelling, pain, etc.

In my classes we put the 4oz into 1/2 gallon distilled water and lightly shake to activate. We apply it all over the head to help with Cranio Sacral work as well as to open the energy meridians we put along the back to tail and chest to belly button and around stifles and hocks especially inside where the muscles are the most tight. Great on my bruises as well when had foot stepped on! Price includes taxes and shipping.

Tap and shake bottle well. Add to 2 litres of demineralised water. Put in spray bottle apply to hand and apply to area by rubbing lightly.

Bach flower essences
Petit Fluer essences and Chrystal herbs


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